Състав на секция ИПСВР

Зорница Димитрова
Служебен адрес:София - 1113,
ул. "Акад. Г. Бончев", бл. 2
Служебен телефон: (02) 979 32 10
Е-mail: zrn.dimitrova{at}gmail.com; zornitsa.dimitrova{at}iict.bas.bg
Научноизследователски интереси:
- Софтуерни системи, Programming, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL
Професионална биография
Владеене на езици: английски
Образование и научни степени
- 2019 Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, магистърска степен "Software Engineering"
- 2014-2018 Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, бакалавърска степен по "Информационни технологии"
- Dimitrova Z., Borissova D., Dimitrov V. Design of Web Application with Dynamic Generation of Forms for Group Decision-Making. In: Saeed K., Dvorsky J. (eds) Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management. CISIM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12883. Springer, Cham. 2021, pp. 112-123, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84340-3_9.
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Dimitrov, V., Yoshinov, R., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I.: Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Model for Ranking of Web Development Frameworks. In: 2021 25th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 2021, pp. 3-8, https://doi.org/10.1109/CSCC53858.2021.00009.
- Borissova, D., Z. Dimitrova. An integrated group decision-making approach considering uncertainty conditions. In: Proc. 24th International Conference on Business Information Systems, 2021, https://doi.org/10.52825/bis.v1i.52
- Borissova D., Dimitrova Z., Dimitrov V. Intelligent System to Support Decision Making Using Optimization Business Models for Wind Farm Design. In: Simian D., Stoica L.F. (eds) Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems. MDIS 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1341. Springer, Cham. 2021, pp. 287-301. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68527-0_18
- Borissova, D., Z. Dimitrova, V. Dimitrov. How to Support Teams to be Remote and Productive: Group Decision-Making for Distance Collaboration Software Tools. Information and Security. Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience, vol. 46, 2020, pp. 36-52, https://doi.org/10.11610/isij.4603.
- Borissova, D., Garvanova, M., Dimitrova, Z., Pandulis, A., Garvanov, I. Decision Support Framework for Composing of Different Questionnaires based on Business Model with Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISBN: 978-3-030-62508-5, Springer, 2020, pp 50-61. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62509-2_5.
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I., Cvetkova, P., Dimitrov, V., Pandulis, A. Two-stage Decision-Making Approach to Survey the Excessive Usage of Smart Technologies. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, Vol. 73, 2020, pp. 3-16. https://doi.org/10.7546/PECR.73.20.01
- Dimitrova, Z., V. Dimitrov, D. Borissova, I. Garvanov, M. Garvanova. Two-Stage Search-Based Approach for Determination and Sorting of Mountain Hiking Routes using Directed Weighted Multigraph. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, vol. 20(6), 2020, pp. 28-39. https://doi.org/10.2478/cait-2020-0058
- Borissova, D., Z. Atanassova. Multi-criteria decision methodology for supplier selection in building industry. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, ISSN: 2156-1710, Vol. 7(4), 2018, pp. 49-58. DOI: 10.4018/IJ3DIM.2018100103
- Balabanov, T., Blagoev, I., Atanassova, Z. Greedy Genetic Algorithm Hybrid Solution of 1D Stock Cutting Problem. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2018, 2, University Publishing House Vasil Aprilov - Gabrovo, 2018, ISSN:1313-230X, 307-312
- Balabanov, T., Ketipov, R., Atanassova, Z. MLP with Stochastic Manipulated Hidden Layer. In Proc. of International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2018, 2, University Publishing House Vasil Aprilov - Gabrovo, 2018, ISSN:1313-230X, 324-328
Актуализация: март 2022