Състав на секция ИПСВР

Доц. Чавдар Корсемов
Служебен адрес:София - 1113, ул. "Акад. Г. Бончев", бл. 2
Служебен телефон: (02) 979 32 28
Електронна поща: chkorsemov{at}iinf.bas.bg
Научноизследователски интереси:
- Автоматизирано управление и контрол
- Системи за подпомагане вземане на решения
- Генетични алгоритми и еволюционни подходи
- Възобновяеми енергийни източници
Професионална биография
Владеене на езици: Английски, руски
Образование и научни степени
- 1971 - Технически университет - София, специалност: Автоматизация
Институт по регулираща техника, Технически университет, Хановер, 1981, Германия
Публикации в списания
- Korsemov, Ch.D., Koynov, S. L., Toshev, H.I. An Approach to Training Artificial Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, ISSN:0204-9848, Vol. 70, 2018, pp. 3-11.
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, Hr. Conversion of Wind Energy into Rotational Mechanical-and its Impact on Wind Power Generators. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 67, 2016, ISSN:ISSN:0204-9848, 03-10
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, Hr. Optimal Cutting of the Glass and the Profiles for Joinery Work with Application of Genetic Algorithms. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 18, 5, Ver. VI, IOSR, 2016, ISSN:e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, DOI:DOI:10.9790/0661-1805068085, 80-85.
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, Hr. Optimal Planning of the Production of Corpus Details on Metal Cutting Machines with the Help of Computer Numeric Control. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 18, 5, Ver. VI, IOSR, 2016, ISSN:e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, DOI:DOI:10.9790/0661-1805068690, 86-90.
- Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev. Application of Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Cutting of the Glass and the Profiles for Joinery Work. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, ISSN:0204-9848, Vol. 66, 2015, pp. 3-10.
- Korsemov Ch., Toshev Hr. Optimal Planning of the Production of Corpus Details on Metal Cutting Machines with the Help of Computer Numeric Control. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, ISSN:0204-9848, Vol. 66, 2015, pp. 33-42
- Korsemov Ch., Hr. Toshev, I. Mustakerov, D. Borissova, V. Grigorova. An optimal approach to design of joinery for renovation of panel buildings. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, ISSN: 2251-8843, Vol. 2(18), 2013, pp. 123-128.
- Korsemov, Ch., H. Toshev, (2012), Models of Wind Potential Prediction, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 65, ISSN 0204-9848, pp. 49-61.
- Korsemov, Ch., H. Toshev, (2012), Testing of Genetic Algorithms Using a Modular System for Solving Optimization Problems, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 65, ISSN 0204-9848, pp. 22-29.
- Nikolov, Z., Ch. Korsemov and H. Toshev, (2011), Reliability of Wind Turbine Generators and Exploitation of Wind Farms, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 63, ISSN 0204-9848, pp. 5-13.
- Nikolov, Z., Ch. Korsemov and H. Toshev, (2011), Reactive Power in Wind Generator Farms and Introduction of Flicker in a Power Line, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 63, ISSN 0204-9848, pp. 22-34.
- Korsemov, Ch. D. and H. I. Toshev, (2010), Optimization with the Help of Genetic Algorithms for Solving Practical Problems, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 62, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 3-10
- Nikolov, Z., Ch. Korsemov and H. Toshev., (2009), A Dynamic Convertor of Monophase into Triphase Voltage Part II: Starting and Control, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 61, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 52-66
- Nikolov, Z., Ch. Korsemov and H. Toshev., (2009), A Dynamic Convertor of Monophase into Triphase Voltage Part I: Structure and Components, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 61, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 38-51
- Guliashki, V., H. Toshev, Ch. Korsemov, (2008), Survey of Evolutionary Algorithms Used in the Multi-Objective Optimization, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, Sofia 2008, Vol. 60, ISSN 0204-9848, pp. 42-54.
- Nikolov, Z., Ch. Korsemov, Z. Hlebarov, H. Toshev, (2008), Distribution of Active and Reactive Energy in a Power Line, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Sofia 2008, Vol. 8, No. 2, ISSN 1311-9702, pp. 12-25.
- Мустакеров, И., Д. Борисова, Ч. Корсемов, Е. Джамбазова (2007), Оптимално планиране на механична обработка на корпусни детайли за металорежещи машини с ЦПУ, IIT/WP-240B, декември 2007.
- Toshev, H. and Ch. Korsemov, (2007) Development of the Evolutionary Approaches in the Multiobjective Optimization, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, (Ed. Sgurev V.), Sofia 2007, Vol. 58, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 12-22.
- Nikolov Z., G. Horozov, V. Vassilev, Ch. Korsemov, (2006) Time and Frequency Synchronization in OFDM Communication Systems, Cybernetics and Information Technologies (Ed. Dochev D.), Sofia 2006, Vol. 2, ISSN 1311-9702, pp. 86-100.
- Nikolov Z., R. Iinbor, C. Korsemov, H. Toshev, (2004) Sampling and Interpolation of Periodic Signals, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, (Eds. Dochev D.et al.), Sofia 2004, Vol. 4, No 1, ISSN 1311-9702, pp. 43-53.
- Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev, (2001) The Artificial Neural Networks in the Context of the Modern Tendencies in the Evolutionary Computing, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, (Eds. Angelov A. et al), V. 52, Sofia, 2001, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 43-50
- Korsemov, Ch., S. Koynov, H. Toshev, (2000) From an Accessory through Windows to ShutDown under DOS, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, (Eds. Angelov A. et al), Vol. 49, Sofia, 2000, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 20-29.
- Korsemov, Ch., S. Koynov, H. Toshev, (1999) Macroenhancements for Calling Multiargumental Subroutines or Assembles of them, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, (Eds. Angelov A. et al), Sofia, Vol. 48, 1999, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 18-30
- Петров П., Корсемов Ч.. Николов 3.. Стрелков И.. (1997) „Развитие на изследванията за създаване на системи за автоматизация на дома", Техническа мисъл, 3-16.
- Korsemov Ch., Koynov S., (1995) Evaluation of the coincidence of the results from a microcomputer system for non-destructive control”, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, (Eds. Angelov A. et al.), V. 42, Sofia 1995, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 66-72
- Korsemov Ch., (1993) An approach to determine the maximal time for execution of control programs in a real time mode, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, (Eds. Angelov A.et al.), V. 39, Sofia, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 53-57
- Корсемов Ч., (1992) „Математически модели за определяне на механичните характеристики при неразрушаващ магнитен контрол", Проблеми на техническата кибернетика и роботика, 35, ISSN: 0204-9848, pp. 26-33
- Корсемов Ч., (1990) „Базова структура за синтезиране на фамилия системи за неразрушаващ магнитен контрол", Техническа мисъл, 5-15.
Публикации в трудове на международни конференции
- Korsemov, Ch. and H. Toshev. Analysis and Exploitation of Wind Generators, In: Proceedings of the XXII-th Intern. Symposium on Control of the Energ., Industrial and Ecological Systems CEIES 2014, (Editor Hadjiiski, M.), ISSN 1313-2237, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 37-40.
- Korsemov, Ch. and H. Toshev. Main Types, Comparisons and Working of Wind Generators, In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Control and Optimization: Step Ahead ACOSA 2014, (Editor Sgurev, V.), ISSN 1314-4634, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 83-87.
- Korsemov, Ch. and H. Toshev, (2013). Wind speed Distribution and Prognosis of the Generated Power in Converting Wind Energy into Electrical Power. In: Proc. of the National Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems 2013 R&IS2013, (Editor Shivarov, N.), Sofia, 29 November 2013
- Toshev, H. I. and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2011), Wind Generators, In: Proceedings of Papers of XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST2011, (Editor Milovanovich, B.), ISBN: 978-86-6125-033-0, Nis, Serbia, 29 June-01 July, 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 791-794.
- Toshev, H. I. and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2011), Wind Farms and their Connection to a Power Line, In: Proceedings of Papers of XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST2011, (Editor Milovanovich, B.), ISBN: 978-86-6125-033-0, Nis, Serbia, 29 June-01 July, 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 795-798.
- Guliashki, V., Ch. Korsemov and H. Toshev, (2010), Elitism Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Discrete Optimization Problems, In: Proceedings of the XLV International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2010, (Editor Mitrovski, C.), Ohrid, Macedonia, Vol.1, ISBN: 978-9989-786-57-0, pp. 281-285.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2010), A Modular System for Solving Optimization Problems by Testing Them with Genetic Algorithms, In: Proceedings of the XLV International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2010, (Editor Mitrovski, C.), Ohrid, Macedonia, Vol.2, ISBN: 978-9989-786-58-7, pp. 647-651.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2009), Evolutionary Approaches for Optimal Filling of Blocks, In: Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference on Computer Science 2009, (Editor Borovska, Pl.), Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, ISBN: 978-954-438-853-9, pp. 303-308.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2009), Application of Genetic Algorithms for Supply Management of Multi-range Warehouse In: Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics RM 2009, (Editor Zahariev, R.), Varna, Bulgaria, ISSN1310-3946, pp. 12-17.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2009), Evolutionary Approaches to Cut Wooden Sheets in the Furniture Production, In: Proceedings of the XLIV International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2009, (Editor Arnaudov, R.), Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, ISBN: 978-954-438-796-9, pp. 467-470.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2008), Genetic Algorithms for the Production of Steel Sheet Boxes, In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Scientific Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics ‘2008, (Editor Zahariev, R.), Varna, Bulgaria, ISSN 1310-3946, pp. 77-82.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2008), Application of Genetic Algorithms for Effective Choice of Information, In: Proceedings of the XLIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2008, (Editor Milovanovich,B.), Nish, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-85195-59-4, Vol. 2, pp. 588-591.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2008), Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Cutting Panes of Glass, In: Proceedings of the IV International Bulgarian-Greek Scientific Conference on Computer Science 2008, (Editor Borovska, Pl.), Kavala, Greece, Part II, Kavala, Greece, ISBN 978-954-580-255-3, pp. 657-662.
- Toshev, H. I. and Ch. D. Korsemov (2007), Genetic Algorithms in Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems, In: Proceedings of the XLII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2007, (Editor Mitrovski, C.), Ohrid, Macedonia, V.2, ISBN: 9989-786-06-2, pp. 857-860.
- Toshev, H. I. and Ch. D. Korsemov (2007), The Use of the Evolutionary Algorithms in Optimization Problems, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies InfoTech-2007, (Editor Romansky, R.), Varna, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, ISBN: 978-954-9518-42-9, pp. 197-204.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov and Ch. D. Korsemov (2006), Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Approaches at Artificial Neural Networks-Learning, In: Proceedings of the 20-th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research SAER 2006, (Editor Romansky, R.), Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 272-277.
- Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov and Ch. D. Korsemov (2006), Evolutionary Theories and Genetic Algorithms, In: Proceedings of the XLI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2006, (Editor Dimitrov, D.), Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN-10: 954-9518-37-X, ISBN-13: 978-954-9518-37-5, pp. 236-239.
- Toshev H., Ch. Korsemov, (2005) Learning of the Artificial Neural Networks with Multi-Layer Models, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering. and Research SAER-2005, (Ed. Romansky R.), Varna, Bulgaria, ISBN: 954-438-501-0, pp. 248-253.
- Toshev H. I. and Ch. D. Korsemov, (2005) Comparative Analysis of Genetic and Evolutionary Approaches in the Study of Multilayer Models of the Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the XL International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2005, (Ed. Milovanovic B.), 2005, Nis, Serbia and Montenegro, ISBN: 86-85195-26-8, pp. 665-668
- Kirilov L., H. Toshev, Ch. Korsemov, S. Koynov, (2004) Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems and Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering. and Research SAER-2004, (Ed. Romansky R.), Varna, Bulgaria, ISBN 954-438-428-6, pp. 221-226
- Toshev H. I., Ch. D. Korsemov, S. L. Koynov and V. P. Velichkov, (2004) Artificial Neural Networks - Classification and Technical Applications, Proceedings of the XXXIX International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2004, (Ed. Mitrovski C.), 16-19 June 2004, Bitola, Macedonia, ISBN:9989-786-38-0, pp. 353-356.
- Toshev, Hr. I., Ch. D. Korsemov, S L. Koynov and L. M. Kirilov, (2002) The Paradigm Model of The Artificial Neural Networks and Its Evolution up to The Expert Level Representation, Proceedings of the XXXVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2002, Nish, Yugoslavia, pp. 117-120
- Nikolov Z., Petrov P., Korsemov Ch., Strelkov I., Koynov S., (1997) “The power line as a communication medium”, Proceedings of the 42 International Scientific Conference, Ilmenau, Germany, Band 3, 569-574
- Sgurev V., Vassflev V., Dokev N.. Genova K., Drangajov S., Korsemov Ch., Atanassov A., (1988) Applied software of Trasy - an automated system for real-time of the industrial truck haulage in open pit mines", Or in TRANSPORTATION, Copenhagen, Denmark, 72-80.
- Petrov, P., Dfambazov К., Korsemov Ch., (1983) ..Mlcroproceesor-based device tor determination of the mechanical properties of ferromagnetic materials", Proc. of the Third Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications, Budapest, 770-779.
- Petrov P., Djambazov K., Korsemov Ch., Nikolov A., Atanassov C, (1983) „8/16 bit multiprocessor system for process-control applications", Proc. of the Third Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications, Budapest, 576-586.
- Радойков Е., Корсемов Ч., (1981) „Метод оценки времени вмполнения микрокомпьютернмх программ управления в реальном масштабе времени" - Proc. of the Second Symposium on Microcomputer and Application, Budapest, 6-9 October, 399-412.
- Petrov P., Djambazov К., Qanchev A., Koreemov Ch., NiKolov A., (1981) „Two microcomputer architecture for industrial traffic control applicatJone; Proc. of the Second Symposium on Microcomputer and Application, Budapest, 6-9 October, V. II, 58-70.
Научноизследователски проекти
- Изследване, разработка и приложение на ефективни методи за труднорешими и многокритериални задачи, 2010-2011.
- Проект BG051PO001-3.3.04/40: Изграждане на висококвалифицирани млади изследователи по съвременни информационни технологии за оптимизация, разпознаване на образи и подпомагане вземането на решения. финансиран от Европейски Социален Фонд 2007 – 2013 г., Министерство на образованието, младежта и науката
- Методи и системи за оптимизация. 2009.
- Генетични алгоритми и еволюционни подходи. 2006-2008.
- Обработка на сигнали в свръхшироколентови комуникационни системи. 2007-2008.
- Системи за оптимизация и за подпомагане вземането на многокритериални решения. 2004-2005.
- Системи за подпомагане вземането на многокритериални решения. 2001-2003.
- Системи за многокритериално вземане на решение при зададени краен или безкраен брой алтернативи. Д1998–2000.
- Методи и алгоритми за едно- и многокритериална оптимизация в системи за вземане на решения. 1995-1997.
Научно-приложни проекти
- Изследване възможностите за реализиця производството на фирма АМСИ АД на българския пазар. Договор с фирма АМСИ АД (2016-2017)
- Разработване на информационни средства за популяризиране на дейността и постиженията на фирма ЕАД РЕТЕЛ”. Договор с фирма ЕАД „РЕТЕЛ” (2015-2016)
- Анализ на системите за производство на електрическа енергия от възобновяеми източници – от ветрова и слънчева енергия, Договор с “МЕГАКОМ-ООД”, 2010-2011.
- Модели за определяне потенциала на вятъра във високопланински райони, Договор с “РЕТЕЛ-ООД”, 2010.
- Устройства за комуникация в технически системи за сигурност, Договор с фирма „СЕКТРОН-ООД”, относно съвместно изпълнение на проект с Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средни предприятия № 5 ИФ-02-43/16.12.2008
- Цифровизация и обработка на стандартни TV сигнали за локални мрежи, Договор с “РЕТЕЛ-ООД”, 2009-2010.
- Програмна система за многокритериална оценка и избор на клиенти, Договор с ЕТ”Габриела Стойкова”, 2008-2009
- Управление на динамичен конвертор монофазно/трифазно напрежение, Договор с “Изоматик ООД” 2008-2009.
- Цифрова обработка на аудио-визуални материали, Договор с “РЕТЕЛ-ООД”, 2007-2008.
- Оптимално планиране на производството на детайли и възли за металорежещи машини с ЦПУ, Договор с МОН, 2007.
- Система за оптимизация на организационната и производствената дейност на малки и средни предприятия, Договор с РЕТЕЛ ООД, 2005-2006.
- Разработка на информационно-управляващи системи за разделяне на въздух Договор с фирма ЕРЛИКИТ – БЪЛГАРИЯ. 2001.
- Разработване на информационни технологии за корпоративна комуникация, Договор с “Владимпекс-ООД”, 1999 г.
- Анализ и оценка на транспортни маршрути и потоци, Договор с ЕТ”Алдини”, 1998, 1999.
- Разработка на система за оценка и рационално разпределение на резервни части и елементи, Договор с ЕТ”Елми”, 1998.
- Разработване и изработване на опитен образец на кутия за електронна система. Договор с фирма, 1996г.
- Изследване на възможностите за обмен на информация по промишлена мрежа 220V. Договор с НФНИ-МОН, 1994.
Членство в научни организации
- Съюз по автоматика и информатика
- Българско общество по операционни изследвания - колективен член на IFORS
Последна актуализация: Февруари 2016